Here's the reality of my commute:

I leave the house at 4:30, pick up two riders at a church off of the main route. We get to the ferry at 4:42 am. Ferry leaves at 4:50 am. We arrive in downtown Seattle at 5:45 am. I drove across the street from the ferry building, park and wait. A Bainbridge rider gets into the van after walking from his ferry over to the van. We then turn north a few blocks, then east for five blocks, pull over into a loading zone and pick-up another rider. Then onto the five for 1/4 of a mile, then onto the 90 for 15 miles. Then we're at the Corp Campus by 6:23 am.

In the afternoon, we leave the parking lot start at 3:30 pm, I drive around the corner to pick-up the Seattle rider and we're on the freeway by 3:37 pm. We arrive in downtown Seattle by 4:02 pm. We drive 4 mins to the ferry. I let the Brainbridge Island guy off in the ferry parking lot and he walks over to the Bainbridge Island ferry. I go through the toll booth, get my pass scanned, I'm directed to pre-boarding and wait about 2,3 mins before I'm permitted to drive onto the ferry.

We gat back to our side about 5:20, I drove my church riders off about 5:27 and I'm back home by 5:32 pm.


Contrarian, extraordinaire