Originally Posted by Mellowicious
Jeffery, I had heard of “Covid brain” before, but I had hoped it was a temporary effect - do you know for sure? On the other hand, my interpretation of brain damage is that it is partially or wholly permanent. But that’s only my own interpretation, which may have no validity at all.

Rick, if I remember correctly, I read a few months ago that some cases had been tentatively identified before the date you mention - not formally diagnosed but identified (somewhere.] If I could tell you where, I’d give you a link, and if I find it, I’ll bring it back.

All I know is, my memory is fried. I am catching myself repeating posts I made earlier in the same thread.
I hit POST REPLY and then I look up and see that I had posted the same damn thing the day before.
And I can't keep a coherent thought in my head long enough to finish something I am writing.

The other day I realized I must have left a nice Sennheiser shotgun mic and boom pole on a shoot somewhere....not cheap.
Somebody got a free boom pole, wind filter, Sennheiser shotgun and 30 foot XLR cable because I clearly forgot it.
I am forgetting essential equipment now, and that means I may forget to even BRING essential equipment TO a shoot.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD