Originally Posted by Greger
You start getting into ethical questions and rumours of eugenics when you delve too deeply into these mysteries.

Like I said...babies are easy to make. You can do it in a test tube. Nowadays you can clone 'em. There is no end to the genetic marvels that modern biomancers could achieve. But mostly stupid young folks with NO means to raise babies are gonna make babies. All too often and unceasingly...

I want repeat something I posted earlier, just because Greger happened to allude to it - “stupid young folks.” That is, that half of the women seeking abortions are over 25.

That is, it’s relatively easy to tut-tut about a stupid young girl who “got into trouble.” (Again, not a shot at Greger or anyone else on this thread. But it’s a common attitude.)

It’s a little more difficult for *some folks* to deal with, say, a 35-year-old rising executive who just doesn’t want a child. Right now. Or maybe ever.

Not all women seeking abortions are young, or poor, although I think poor is more common than young. And abortion rights means rights for any woman, for any reason.

The “young, poor, and stupid” argument is a misdirection, like the conservative references to “late term abortions.” Late term” is meaningless because there’s no definition, and past a certain point, abortions are not done except under extreme circumstances.

A 45’s quicker than 409
Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time
Betty’s bein’ bad