I rode that Amtrack train that just wrecked in Montana a few times in the Wayback, going to a Christmas gathering of my 2nd ex-wife's family in Devil's Lake, North Dakota from North Idaho. One time we had an unscheduled stop in Havre (near where the wreck happened). It was dark, 30 below, and the wind was blowing. They opened the doors and windows of the car I was into let the smoke out - smoke, you say? yeah, the outlet to the shiiter froze and they were thawing it out with oxyacetylene torches and something caught fire - I wonder what? The shiiter outlet, you ask? Yeah, they just dump the holding tanks onto the rail bed as the train is Empire Building along the Highline at 70 mph.

Trains have a reputation for being romantic! So romantic that it reminded me of a song I'm going to post over in the Song Game topic...

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller