Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by Mellowicious
I believe that’s the theme from a really bad movie. Huge hit when it was made. “Billy Jack, “ that was it.
Indeed it is. Maureen McGovern covered the song for the really bad movie, Billy Jack.

How the song relates to the movie, I don't have a clue, I've never seen the movie. I will go out on a limb and say there is no connection between the two...from what I have heard about the movie. :Hmm

I think maybe Billy Jack was supposed to embody the “One Tin Soldier.” His character was one of a few “Magic Indians,” a parallel to the “Magic Negro” category - the minority whose task is to save the day.

As for songs not related to movies, I’ll give $5 and a homemade apple pie to anyone who can justify “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on my Head” to “Butch Cassidy” in anyway, shape, or form. It was clearly meant only as a promo for the movie; there was no other connection at all.

A 45’s quicker than 409
Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time
Betty’s bein’ bad