Is this fcking Afghanistan here?

No, this is the nation that invaded Afghanistan and terrorized the people there for 20 years.

This is the nation that invaded Iraq and terrorized the people there for 14 years.

This is the nation that bombed,,,
Bosnia 1994, 1995
Cambodia 1969-70
China 1945-46
Congo 1964
Cuba 1959-1961
El Salvador 1980s
Korea 1950-53
Guatemala 1954, 1960, 1967-69
Indonesia 1958 Laos 1964-73
Grenada 1983
Iraq 1991-2000s, 2015-
Iran 1987
Korea 1950-53
Kuwait 1991
Lebanon 1983, 1984
Libya 1986, 2011-
Nicaragua 1980s
Pakistan 2003, 2006- Palestine 2010
Panama 1989
Peru 1965
Somalia 1993, 2007-08, 2010-
Sudan 1998
Syria 2014-
Vietnam 1961-73
Yemen 2002, 2009-
Yugoslavia 1999

And yet you are surprised and offended that these same forces are protecting you against retaliation? This is the most dangerous, most militarized nation in the history of the world.
And yet her people are kept blissfully unaware of the ravages of war we spread around the rest of the world on a daily basis.

Oh, and Coast Guard helicopters are also orange...

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...