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All this talk about fixing things is a damned joke. NOBODY has a solution
Not quite true...plenty of people HAVE at least PARTIAL solutions to individual aspects of our problems, but they're not allowed to offer them. You have to be in "the big club" to be listened to...ordinary people aren't listened to.
Just look at how hard Gordon (Loggy) has worked trying to get legs to grow under his bio-char project. It gets some traction, but not the kind of global traction it deserves. By this point, Loggy should be at the apex of a pretty sizeable team offering literally billions to help.
Why isn't that happening? Because too many in The Big Club have sacred oxen they think might be gored by his ideas. They don't know with certainty, but just the fact that they are afraid it might be the case is enough. And thus Loggy is being denied the kind of access he needs to get bio-char at or near Priority One.
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Well said jgw. I think we, the voters expect that man on the white horse to solve all all problems within six months and when he doesn't, we start looking for another man or burden him with a congress of the other party. Besides most Americans having short memories, they want instant gratification, instant problems solved.
Looking back over presidential approval ratings, I was surprised to find most maintained above 50% approval, then abruptly fell after July. ALA exactly what Biden, Obama, Bill Clinton, Reagan had done. The reasons, the causes vary greatly, but there is a pattern here. Trump is an exception, he never achieved a 50% approval rating and G.W. Bush had 9-11 which skyrocketed his approval rating.
What I'm seeing today and over the last month or two is the high expectations for Biden hasn't been met, so the voters, basically independents have begun to look for for someone else. Which in this case means a change in congress since Biden isn't going anywhere. They did it to Bill Clinton, to Obama, to Trump and would have done it to G.W. Bush if not for 9-11. So they waited until G.W. Bush was reelected and then 2 years later wham, a Democratic congress.
I relate this to a bad baseball team with a bunch of problems, we bring in a new manager expecting a world series championship. and when the new manager doesn't deliver, we replace him with another manager, then another manager. All the while regardless of the manager, you still have a bad baseball team. This country has too many deep problems to expect one man to fix everything within a six month period. Yet, I think that is exactly what we expect when we elect a new president or change power in congress from one party to the other.
Maybe this makes sense, maybe not.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.
In general I don't trust humans. Have you seen THE WALKING DEAD? However, I reserve my judgment on government on a case by case basis. I did not trust the Covid healthcare professionals in the Trump administration. They looked like they were about to bust. They look far better now.
I think some folks have already mentioned other examples of reasons why we should be wary of government. It has perhaps morphed into an entity no longer connected to our reality. I suspect that is simply the evolutionary process at work. Whether that is good bad or ugly, I'll let historians ruminate on it.
Could Trump be the proverbial head of the snake? Remove it and the threat disappears? I don't think so. I think we are a nudge or push away from open armed insurrection. Is this what it felt like in 1860????
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions
It does make sense Perotista and that is part of the problem, if not the entire problem. If elections come down solely to popularity and short term dreams of hope that there might be some painless miracle accomplished within a very short time frame. Our system is part of that problem. But another problem I see is that what’s popular is not always the right thing to do. In fact many times it is the wrong thing. Doing the right thing many times is not popular, in fact it will likely be very unpopular.
Just as in life.
A system built entirely upon short term popularity is going to be in trouble and ultimately fail.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
I don't know. I may be old, but I wasn't around in 1860.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.
Why isn't that happening? Because too many in The Big Club have sacred oxen they think might be gored by his ideas. They don't know with certainty, but just the fact that they are afraid it might be the case is enough. And thus Loggy is being denied the kind of access he needs to get bio-char at or near Priority One.
Thanks for the kind words, Señor J. Furry!
I would like to give a somewhat different take on the lack of access (which is all too true) - the obstacles I have run into aren't generally fear or greedy protectionism - it's that people, especially powerful ones, think they know the most already, and aren't receptive to ideas that they are unfamiliar with. Or they have some preconceived standards for what a good idea looks like. In the case of global warming and forest fires, they think solutions should be humongous and nearly instantaneous. That's a job for the Big Boys! Big money, big industry, big donations, and BIG GASLIGHTING!!!
They are not intelligent enough, or informed enough to even begin to understand the problems, so the innovative solutions are invisible to them.
But they get to make the decisions.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
That's a job for the Big Boys! Big money, big industry, big donations, and BIG GASLIGHTING!!! ... But they get to make the decisions.
To get their attention, you have to be someone... be someone - maybe someone with a fast car.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
the high expectations for Biden haven't been met, so the voters, basically independents have begun to look for someone else.
My expectations as an independent were that Biden would be an ineffectual placeholder who would lose(or cause Democrats to lose) to Republicans in 2024. His selection of Harris as a running mate pretty much cemented that fate.
Is this what it was like in 1860? I don't think so. Slavery was a much bigger issue than same-sex marriage or abortion or minimum wage increases...
My expectation was for Biden to bring us back to a more normal, saner time. I didn't expect any new or massive legislation push. Just keeping the functions of government going smoothly without the name calling, temper tantrums, the needless feuds, etc.
I'm not into 2024 yet, but am whole hog into 2022. I think whatever happens in 2022 midterms will directly effect the presidential in 2024. I didn't see the implosion of Biden and the Democrats coming in August. That caught me by surprise. At first I chalked it up to the botched withdrawal of Afghanistan, but the continued low numbers into October tells me there is much more behind the fall. Exactly what that is, I don't know. But Biden and company have basically taken a 10 point plunge in August which has remained across the board on almost all issues since. Overall job approval, the economy, foreign policy, COVID, direction of the country, national security, etc. All around 10 points lower today than they were on 1 Aug 2021.
Now there's still over a year before the midterms, so no panicking. We may be seeing these numbers last until the next unforeseen event or until one party or the other does something stupid to get independents angry at them. Plenty of chances for that in the next year leading up to the midterms.
Last edited by perotista; 10/06/2105:41 PM.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.
Slavery was a much bigger issue than same-sex marriage or abortion or minimum wage increases
So you think that is what {{{{{{{THE BASE}}}}}}} is all about .... hmmmm.
I am pretty sure it is not issue oriented. While shoving issues to the forefront is a tactic to distract, I suspect in this case what we have is a religious affront. The Lord and Savior of America, whom everyone loves and adores, was humiliated by Democrat Party {{{{{{{fraud}}}}}}. While not an issue like slavery, the impact is every bit as devastating.
1860? ... I think we are so close to being in the same position that I can smell the gunpowder from the cannons bombarding Ft Sumter.
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions