Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by olyve
Now you're making fun of my by line?
Tweet tweet... that's an old by line but still very appropriate for me and my adventure And strive for life.
My bad for seeming to make fun of your byline - not my intent. Given the crazy circumstances engendered by the batsh!t crazy religiosity that gives rise to extended perversity, I tend to whimsical “solutions” that could be diversions from the dark warpages of their natural sexual drives. If only they could dance in the rain in lieu of molesting little boys…
No, Logs. MY bad.
Holy moly.
I didn't mean to come off sounding so uptight. I was being silly trying to make a joke. Sometimes I don't do that very well...iyiyi.

I actually love your whimsical ponderings (lol) and was happy I could provide some fodder for your musings.
(there how about that?)

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."