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You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
John “fuggin A†Prine. So I was living in Corvallis and had hooked up with my later to be wife Martha. She came running back to the apartment with John Prine‘s second album. I had never heard of him before. She said “Ken you have to listen to this!†So of course we fired it up and I remember thinking that “damn this guy sounds cornball!†But I kept listening and the music kept growing on me. And then I came to realize what an absolute genius he was.
Subsequently we heard him several times live after that including four times where he played together with Steve Goodman as a duet. Those concerts were memorable and amazing. They weren’t so much concerts as get together‘s in a tavern that was very intimate. Shortly before Goodman died he was in Seattle getting cancer treatment at the Fred Hutchison cancer center. He showed up on stage bald without a hair on his head. Someone in the audience shout it out “Hey Steve….great haircut.†Goodman in his total humility responded “thank you†with a smile. He died two weeks after that. I am sure that guy from the audience later felt totally diminished for his very insensitive and rediculous remark.
And I shall never forget that scene either.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
Martha and I both knew Goodman was sick at the time. Our neighbor and friend was a trauma nurse at Harbor View hospital in Seattle. He was aware that Goodman was around the area getting cancer treatment and told us so, so we both knew Goodman was very sick and under cancer treatment when we saw that last concert with him together with John Prine.
That’s what made that remark all the more biting and painful.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
So, this crowd appears to be totally in favor of the death penalty, vigilante justice, and outright torture for something that surely must be classified as a mental disorder.
I've noticed that Republicans have also come down pretty hard on pedophiles in recent years. It's good to see the two sides agreeing on something! The torture and killing of anyone who happens to cross a certain line. A line that has moved around quite a bit over the years and isn't universally accepted. Once those folks are gone we'll find another line and torture and kill all of those who cross that one...and then...
My dog isn't neutered. He was never aggressive and never needed to be. I think proper sex education might go a long way towards reducing a lot of sex crimes. And part of that education would be the sure and certain knowledge that your balls would be removed after three offenses.
Well alright. Greger, you certainly are calling us out on our ""gotcha" moment, all this bantering talk of vigilante justice....stoning and flaying. And against acts of mental illness at that.
I am against the death penalty so I spoke frivolously. Sorry. I was more focused on the hypocrisy of how a promiscuous woman (with adult men) is treated versus men of the cloth who prey on little boys. And nobody in that organization is ever held responsible and nothing changes. Kind of the point of this thread.
"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."
Eureka! I think you may have inadvertantly identified the root of the problem - it's a simple error in spelling. It goes without saying that Catholic priests are insane, due to the twin facts that they dedicate their lives to a bunch of Mumbo-Jumbo (that's really big Mumbo) and they think of themselves as fathers, even though they have taken an oath to not be fathers. Now there is evidence that they are very poor spellers, mistakenly conflating praying with preying... it's so simple!
Does anyone have the Pope's email address?
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
Some folks imagine the protestants are somehow superior and there is no sexual predation among them. I think you will find this not to be completely true. Just picking Catholics isn't really fair.
Pedophilia seems to be a fairly widespread phenomenon within the human race and one that's been swept under the rug for millennia. It's always met with panic and calls for torture and death.
Yes this phenomenon is present in situations where one group (usually men) have power over others less powerful. Which opens itself to many scenarios. But as far a religious institutions go I am pretty sure it has manifested itself more in the Catholic Church than others, mainly exacerbated by the celibacy edict.
In the late 1980’s to early 1990’s we had a Mexican couple living with us who were getting their graduate degrees at Oregon State U. Abel told me that the majority of Mexican priests in his area seemed to all have “cousins†living with them. They were just trying to help their poor relatives I suppose. And that is also I reason I learned to speak Spanish so well.
They say there's no cure...but there is.
What might that be? Castration or lobotomy?
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
But as far as religious institutions go I am pretty sure it has manifested itself more in the Catholic Church than others, mainly exacerbated by the celibacy edict.
Concur. I just wanted to make it clear that they aren't the only ones getting handsy with the kids.
I see it as a widespread problem that is either getting worse or has always been this rampant and we are only now learning about it. No one ever molested me as a kid, but my little sister was raped by a neighbor boy. My baby brother is nine years younger and he tells me there were half a dozen just in the neighborhood by then who were a little too touchy-feely.
Maybe a lot of those molested boys go into the clergy because they enjoyed it.
Human sexuality is something we've only scratched the surface of.