It must always remain a line that cannot be crossed.

But given that children never have any power at all makes it almost always a case of a man in power taking advantage of someone weaker. Even if it's just an older boy who also has no power of consent.

Boys have been getting buggered by bigger boys since time immemorial. It's a thing. It's probably never going to change.

Some of them might join the clergy because that's where they know the buggering is going on.

It seems the whole game is coming unraveled in this particularly woke point in history where most children have parents who might take them seriously when they say the priest had his hand down their pants.

We just had two female teachers arrested in south Florida for banging schoolboys 14 and 15 years old. It's a little different when women rape boys and few ever call for their death or torture.

Everybody knows it's jailbait. Some just can't resist.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...