Originally Posted by Greger
It must always remain a line that cannot be crossed.

But given that children never have any power at all makes it almost always a case of a man in power taking advantage of someone weaker. Even if it's just an older boy who also has no power of consent.

Which may be one of the reasons it’s taboo - who knows.

Boys have been getting buggered by bigger boys since time immemorial. It's a thing. It's probably never going to change.

Oh, but it can change over years. I’m pretty sure that if it’s not a biological imperative, it can change. I also know that it’s aberrant behavior in that it’s practiced by a very small portion of the population.

Originally Posted by greger
It's a little different when women rape boys and few ever call for their death or torture.

It’s different, of course, because sex (m/f) has been considered, without question, a “boon” for males. With that viewpoint the teachers were giving their students a gift to be proud of. That outlook is damaging to men as well as women. Give sexual experience the same value for men as for women and life will be simpler.

A 45’s quicker than 409
Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time
Betty’s bein’ bad