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Maybe a lot of those molested boys go into the clergy because they enjoyed it.
Human sexuality is something we've only scratched the surface of.
Sorry, Greger, but that is a little too close to blaming the victim for my taste. Sex between a child and a person of power is not consensual. You can’t say “yes†if you don’t have the power to say “no.†You seem to refer, maybe, to an older child but I haven’t seen much info on the age of the victims(and truly, I don’t want to.
Julia A 45’s quicker than 409 Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time Betty’s bein’ bad
It must always remain a line that cannot be crossed.
But given that children never have any power at all makes it almost always a case of a man in power taking advantage of someone weaker. Even if it's just an older boy who also has no power of consent.
Boys have been getting buggered by bigger boys since time immemorial. It's a thing. It's probably never going to change.
Some of them might join the clergy because that's where they know the buggering is going on.
It seems the whole game is coming unraveled in this particularly woke point in history where most children have parents who might take them seriously when they say the priest had his hand down their pants.
We just had two female teachers arrested in south Florida for banging schoolboys 14 and 15 years old. It's a little different when women rape boys and few ever call for their death or torture.
Everybody knows it's jailbait. Some just can't resist.
It must always remain a line that cannot be crossed.
But given that children never have any power at all makes it almost always a case of a man in power taking advantage of someone weaker. Even if it's just an older boy who also has no power of consent. [quote]
Which may be one of the reasons it’s taboo - who knows.
[quote=greger] Boys have been getting buggered by bigger boys since time immemorial. It's a thing. It's probably never going to change.
Oh, but it can change over years. I’m pretty sure that if it’s not a biological imperative, it can change. I also know that it’s aberrant behavior in that it’s practiced by a very small portion of the population.
Originally Posted by greger
It's a little different when women rape boys and few ever call for their death or torture.
It’s different, of course, because sex (m/f) has been considered, without question, a “boon†for males. With that viewpoint the teachers were giving their students a gift to be proud of. That outlook is damaging to men as well as women. Give sexual experience the same value for men as for women and life will be simpler.
Julia A 45’s quicker than 409 Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time Betty’s bein’ bad
I was wondering the same thing myself Rick. Why didn’t I have female teachers such as those when I was growing up? I would have submitted to such abuse and taken it like a man.
So to speak.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
Kids can't legally agree to have sex. And grownups ought to know better.
I think in this enlightened age 16 might be a more sensible "age of consent".
Latins have the Quinceañera, I just passed by a lovely one at the park! Girls in white satin, boys all in black, the birthday girl in an enormous gown, and the longest freaking Cadilac Escalade you ever saw!
Trouble is...there are too many male predators already and that would only encourage them.
Men just really can't be trusted at all. Maybe a few women too.
Gregor, at least in my state, if both participants are under 18, statutory rape does not apply. And just as a side note, I don’t believe a quinceanera is considered to be any sort of sexual emancipation.
Last edited by Mellowicious; 10/09/2109:10 PM.
Julia A 45’s quicker than 409 Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time Betty’s bein’ bad
Why didn’t I have female teachers such as those when I was growing up?
Brings back a memory with a shocking fresh interpretation. When I was in 10th grade English class, we had a teacher who was very personable and outgoing, and pretty cute for an old woman of 22. One day we were watching a slide show about ancient Greece, or something, and I was whispering wisecracks to the girl in the desk in front of me (who I happened to have a crush on...). She got to giggling so much that she got the hiccups - Teach flipped on the lights and in an extremely offended voice says, "Logtroll! What are you DOING!!" As it happens, I was generally the most quiet, well-behaved, top shelf student, so some measure of surprise from Teach was to be expected, but I now realize I had always been a bit puzzled at her emotional intensity - which I now in my aged time recognize as jealousy. I do believe ol' Teach had a crush on yours truly!
Not that it would have made any difference as I was such a shy, line-toeing geek that I would have run away from any advances. But now that you all have got me reminiscing, I vaguely recall having some Teach fantasies after the little hiccup episode...
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
I would be surprised if a male student experienced that same level of "emotional trauma" that a a female student would if seduced by an adult. I would be surprised if the male student suffered any trauma at all. Seriously.