Originally Posted by Ken Condon
Why didn’t I have female teachers such as those when I was growing up?
Brings back a memory with a shocking fresh interpretation. When I was in 10th grade English class, we had a teacher who was very personable and outgoing, and pretty cute for an old woman of 22. One day we were watching a slide show about ancient Greece, or something, and I was whispering wisecracks to the girl in the desk in front of me (who I happened to have a crush on...). She got to giggling so much that she got the hiccups - Teach flipped on the lights and in an extremely offended voice says, "Logtroll! What are you DOING!!" As it happens, I was generally the most quiet, well-behaved, top shelf student, so some measure of surprise from Teach was to be expected, but I now realize I had always been a bit puzzled at her emotional intensity - which I now in my aged time recognize as jealousy. I do believe ol' Teach had a crush on yours truly!

Not that it would have made any difference as I was such a shy, line-toeing geek that I would have run away from any advances. But now that you all have got me reminiscing, I vaguely recall having some Teach fantasies after the little hiccup episode...

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller