Sorry - got the year wrong; it was 1846, so, more like 90 years.
Besides, my understanding (from the very few Mormons I know) is that they’re careful with their money and how it’s used. I doubt a lot o& thos3 cars were purchased in Utah…
Oh. I see. Joke! Sorree!
Far as I know there were only a HANDFUL of Mormon Meteor style Duesees ever its heart it was a Duesenberg.
It was a land speed record car, and Jenkins was a devout Mormon who thought breaking the land speed record - - AT Bonneville in UTAH,
would set off a record tsunami of interest in the Mormon faith.
It set him in good stead with the church and there indeed were some friendly inquiries, but not the nationwide tidal wave he'd hoped for.
But Jenkins was regarded as a solid guy and a helpful motorhead and he had a rollicking good time with his cyclops version of a hot rod.
Yeah, I will never ever understand why it was considered a smart thing to REDUCE the number of headlights on a car designed
to do 153 miles per hour at a time when most cars could barely break 65.