Room temperature CO2 reduction to s...aturing atomically thin ceria interfacesI try, often unsuccessfully, not to overwhelm casual readers with the primary literature detail, but rather the big picture.
But here you go! Room temperature CO2 reduction to solid carbon species on liquid metals featuring atomically thin ceria interfaces. More than you want to know about Galinstan liquid metal cat-a-lists.
Would you like Raman with your energy disspersive x-ray analysis?
co2 liquid catalystsI was interested that some of the carbonaceous produce was reduced not just to elemental carbon, but some areas had unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds. The deposits are planar but this may be due to trying to crank up efficiency by keeping the electrode from coking up, to show potential for practical CO2 reduction.
I suspect that by running the electrolytic process a bit differently you might be able to generate a more three dimensional structure with deep aromatic cores like biochar. This was clearly not their main focus, just something I was considering from the soil side of conservation.
The other advantage is that it take place at room temperature, as well as making a stable solid carbon product with possible uses. I would figure that solar cell electricity would be used to drive this low voltage process.
I feel sad that all those photons hitting SW arid areas are being wasted, not to mention all the newly generated deserts around the world.
I'm buying to Gallium and Cerrium futures, though I coincidentally happen to have a supply of Cerium oxide in the basement, previously used for polishing glassy stones like obsidian. I see an experiment happening in the basement soon