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Rittenhouse killed two people that swung their skateboards at him. Skateboards vs AR-15...totally fair fight.
Besides, Rittenhouse is in possession of a firearm he was illegally to be in possession of in the state he killed the people.
I say he gets 1-3 years.
...and yes, I realize the judge in the case has already ruled that the men shot by Kyle Rittenhouse in August 2020 can potentially be referred to at his trial as "rioters" or "looters" and not "victim" perCNN.
Yes, all military are required to disobey an illegal order. HOWEVER, you would be Court-marshalled for disobeying a lawful order. The Court-marshal would be your chance to prove the order was illegal and that you should not be punished for disobeying. Remember this also, constitutional rights in general do not apply or are severely curtailed in military matters.
Also, there is no such thing as a Religious Exemption, in the military and the Constitution or in law.
Personally, I think the population in the federal penitentiary in Ft. Leavenworth should grow by 12,000 or more souls, with every one receiving a Dishonorable Discharge for disobedience of lawful orders and for mutiny.
Vote 2022!
Life is like a PB&J sandwich. The older you get, the moldery and crustier you get.
Yes, all military are required to disobey an illegal order. HOWEVER, you would be Court-marshalled for disobeying a lawful order. The Court-marshal would be your chance to prove the order was illegal and that you should not be punished for disobeying. Remember this also, constitutional rights in general do not apply or are severely curtailed in military matters.
Also, there is no such thing as a Religious Exemption, in the military and the Constitution or in law.
Personally, I think the population in the federal penitentiary in Ft. Leavenworth should grow by 12,000 or more souls, with every one receiving a Dishonorable Discharge for disobedience of lawful orders and for mutiny.
Shurly Ujest!
They have no souls or bottoms! No wonder they are so full of SH!T!
There's nothing wrong with thinking Except that it's lonesome work sevil regit
Are you aware the Kyle Rittenhouse is likely to go free?
Nobody invited the 17 year plmple-faced chubby kid to cross state lines with an AR-15 to defend a used car lot in the middle of the night. The 17 year old thought it all up himself.
Too bad he didnt wait until he was 18 to get that AR-15, his penis might have actually reached normal size!
There's nothing wrong with thinking Except that it's lonesome work sevil regit
Kyle Rittenhouse went to a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin - not to protest the oppression of Black people, but to intimate those who were there with a semiautomatic rifle. He killed two men and shot a third who survived.
Charges against Rittenhouse:
First-degree intentional homicide
First-degree reckless homicide
Attempted first-degree intentional homicide
Unlawful possession of a firearm
Then again, nobody thought George Zimmerman would walk either.
Let's also remember that people are presumed innocent unless and until they are proven guilty. And they aren't guilty unless and until they plead guilty to a crime or are found guilty by a jury of their peers. And, yes, this includes people who are no longer alive because a white kid from Antioch, Illinois, shot them dead.
Judge Schroeder says it's A-OK to call the dead "arsonists" and "looters," as long as the defense presents evidence of it. See above paragraph.
Lastly, Judge Schroeder is apparently cool with prejudicing the jury against the men the defendant indisputably shot, he is also seemingly fine with being legally and linguistically wrong, since (1) trials of dead people aren't a thing; and (2) none of the alleged victims was ever even charged with a crime, much less found guilty of one
Then again, nobody thought George Zimmerman would walk either.
But 1 to 3 sounds about right too.
Back to topic...the military, in particular, goes where its officers go. I can't think of any reason this particular vaccination should be refusable under any circumstances, they get vaccinated for everything and there are no questions asked...but this one might have a secret microchip or change your DNA.
Since the vaccine is still politically questionable, the high muckety-mucks are liable to pronounce it voluntary.
Biden is the Commander-In-Chief. If he orders it mandatory, it is mandatory. He can declare exemptions and consequences for refusal. Would he go full-on Leavenworth? I doubt that very much.
But refusing would go on your record, and promotion might be impossible. Any officer would be an idiot to want that on their record.
Last edited by pondering_it_all; 11/04/2107:09 AM.