I have come to the conclusion that virtually all the pain, suffering, lunacy and all the rest has to do with a loss of faith in our system, elected, AND our government. Years ago I wrote to my elected suggesting that they take a time spot on PBS and dedicate that time to explaining just what a given federal agency does and how it does it (I was ignored, as usual). We all know there are hundreds of agencies but few know what they are or what they do. All we know is that we pay taxes to support them and assume they may, or may not be, doing stuff that is in our own interest.

We know, for instance that our political parties either tell us nothing or lie to us on a regular basis. But what in the hell are we doing with over 400 agencies. Why can't our government use a bit of time, on a tv company which we, the voters, support! Why not tell us what the hell our government is doing? Sometimes we learn bits here and there. Yesterday, on the news, we were told that the government owns a huge apartment complex which is rotting into the ground, for instance.

I think we all agree that the Dems are not good at telling anybody what they are doing, what they have done and what they might do - its all a secret and really bad. My wife, a couple of years ago was manning the phones for the local Democrats. She noticed a bunch of sign for Hillary and asked for one to put in the yard and was told that would cost her 35.00 - she quit the phones and never went back. That was the good old days and its MUCH worse now! My point is that our government, in its wisdom behaves worse that that! They tell us nothing unless they think it may serve them to keep their jobs.

If we have no idea just what the hell our government is doing why in the world would be continue to support it? That goes double for our elected. On the other hand, if there was a show that looked at specific agencies and told us just what, exactly they are doing and are going to do I would watch that one!

Anyway, take a look:

And this one is pretty interesting as well:

Last edited by jgw; 11/07/21 07:53 PM.