Personally, I think they should have passed a watered-down agenda, then sought add-ons as conditions improved. They're 6 months behind the 8-ball because of infighting. Progressives saw this as their opportunity to exert influence, but they overplayed their hand.
One of the very few things we agree on besides the stupidity of American voters.
This is the bill that should have passed months ago with little fanfare. This should have led to other targeted popular legislation, which should have attracted bipartisan support, which would have lessened division and brought the country together, and made future legislation possible.
And so, through your assessment, Democrats are poised to do well next November! Pero and I are completely misreading every single issue and so far nothing stands in the way of democrats keeping the House and Senate in 2022 and Biden's re-election in 2024.
Real Democrats will save the day and those egotists Manchin and Sinema are seeking nothing but glory and press. Neither will be reelected because they have disappointed(some) of their voters.
Same goes for the Progressives whose fault all this is for adding so much pork to the bill.
We'll just eliminate all the progressive Democrats, and all the moderate Democrats so "we" as a party can march in lockstep and defeat the evil Republicans forever!