Jeffrey, as long as presidents take credit for a good economy, they'll get blamed when it turns sour. The economy is like the weather, no one controls it. It just happens. If a president, government had any control over the economy, we'd have all good times and no bad time. Always up and never down.

But presidents love to take credit for something they have no control over. By doing so, they'll get blamed.

there's no hatred among independents for Biden, most of them anyway. They still like him as a person, but not the job he's doing. With Trump, independents never liked him at all as a person. The dislike factor for Trump hardly varried from around the 60% range.The question asked is whether you agree or disagree with his policies, do you like or disliked Trump or Biden as a person. Now independents who dislike Biden as a person is at 38% today, up from 31% in Nov 2020 when he beat Trump. Trump was at 61% dislike last Nov when Biden won independents 54-41 over Trump.

This is important, when things go bad as they are now for Biden, he can recover. Independents still like him, the man, the person, it's just his job he's doing they don't like. Trump couldn't recover, he was dead, way too many disliked him as a person. even when things were going good, He was still disliked as a man, the person, the individual.

There's no hatred here for Biden, It's simple in independents eyes, Biden isn't tackling what they perceive is this nation's number one problem It isn't the BBB in they eyes, it paying 3.50 for a gallon of gas instead of 2.00. It's paying 3.00 instead of 2.00 for a loaf of bread. It some empty shelves in stores. They don't care who's fault it is, all they know is that Biden is president now and he's not doing a thing about it. Biden is stuck on the BBB instead of trying to bring inflation under control and get the price of gas back down below 3.00.

As Bill Clinton once said, "It's the economy, stupid." All these others things mean little to nothing if prices continue to rise and more shelves become empty.

Again, no hatred here. Just folks looking at their wallet. Remember independents aren't political junkies. They rarely pay much attention if any to politics until an election nears. They're not affiliated with either party, they're basically non-partisans. Most fall ideological wise somewhere in-between the two major parties or they are split, agreeing with the democrats on some issues, opposing Democrats on other issues and the same with the Republican party, agreeing with them on some issues, opposing them on others. But for the most part are indifferent to most issues. Unless it hits them in the pocket book.

Presidents take credit for a good economy, presidents get blamed for a bad one. Quite simple really. But no hate.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.