Blue Stilton on, you guessed it, on Stoned Wheat Thins with Shiraz.
Air Fried Hot Sausage with hot Brown Mustard on seeded Jewish Rye.
And a handful or two of Freshly air Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, harvested from UnCarved pumpkins pushed to the curbs! Waste not, Want not!
It has been a long-standing tradition to clean up the guts/innards of kids carved pumpkins, which was a tedious process of removing the slimy, but not fishy, fibrous material scooped out of decapitated jack-o-lanterns.
I was very labor intensive to extricate the seeds from the slimy, but not fishy, mess.
I was considering a much less laborious process this year. All you have to do is cut them in half with an axe along their equator. The seeds are exposed in radial symmetry along the walls, held only by a single strand of pumpkin vasculature, and come out free of gunk with gentle finger scooping. Dont even have to rinse them off. Then doused with less salt and moar MSG, and dried in the oven at 175F for an hour or so. Then they just get sprayed with olive oil and popped into the air fryer for about 9 minutes at 390, in 3 minute cycles to monitor browning before burning.
I eat them with the hulls on as they are very crispy, and who doesnt need more fiber, nature little brooms! The MSG is also a new wrinkle and a positive experiment.
The pumpkin's gutted corpses were put next to the compost pile for the deer. I went out after dark to see if the deer had noticed that it was dinner time. The herd scattered, after a moment of deer in the headlights, when the flashlight beam startled them, but they came back later.