I have a cousin that once talked about 13 year olds tearing up mailboxes in her neighborhood so she bought a glock (whatever the hell that is).
There is such a thing as proportionality.
Chasing hitting throwing things (one of those people had a gun that he never used) validates shooting someone dead with a long gun. Really?
I understand what you're saying. It's the law. But let me tell you, it's twisted. If he were black he'd get the death penalty. I don't know what should have happened to a pumped up teenager who wanted to be part of the action. Who strutted through the streets of Kenosha after almost all of the peaceful protesters were gone (curfew) and the trouble makers were left, most of which weren't even there to protest but to just make trouble and do damage (and make the protesters look bad.) Sure some of them were unsavory but guess what so is Kyle and certainly his parents and all that influenced him to this life.
But anyway, Greger you needn't worry about your buddy Kyle. He's a happy beaming boy today (destroying his life....uh not even). He's scheduled to be on Fox tomorrow. Republicans are falling all over themselves to be the one to sponsor his appointment to the Capital. Isn't that swell? He's loving it. I don't think we need to worry too much about his mental health. Other than how much more damage he would like to do.
If only those guys hadn't upset him....oh well, he took care of the problem
one more thing Greger/Mark...."In fact, these actions are inappropriate when approaching anyone.
You could be killed."
This is where we are, huh?