Originally Posted by Greger
Your real issue seems to be that conservatives are allowed to walk around free at all.
Simply because I find Conservatives to be as useful as teats on a boar, doesn't also state that they should have their freedumbs taken away. Society needs Conservatives alive and kicking, free to roam to country to simply exist as examples of who and what not to be or emulate. smile

Should society hold Raphael "Ted" Cruz, Jim Jordan, Rand Paul, Paul Gosar, Donald Trump, Stephen Miller, Stephen K. Bannon, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Margarie Taylor Green, Lauren Bobert, Anton Scalia, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavenaugh, Aaron Rodgers, Kyle Rittenhouse, as folks we want to emulate? Of course not! These are deeply flawed, deeply intellectually dishonest, intellectually lazy, and deeply loathsome and conniving individuals who border on, if not not fully submerged in sociopathy.

Contrarian, extraordinaire