Originally Posted by Greger
Ritterhouse was walking the streets taking in the sights, the crowd saw he was armed, determined that he was the enemy and attacked him, tried to disarm him. He feared for his life and discharged his weapon.

In the case of Arbery vs McVeigh the black guy was unarmed jogging through the neighborhood taking in the sights, white guy came at him with a gun and the black guy feared for his life and tried to disarm the white guy to save his life. See the difference?

The guy who didn't use his(illegal) weapon probably should have.
I certainly do see the difference.

Travis McMichael cried in the courtroom and declared he feared for his life.

We'll see how it goes. What Travis and partners were doing was legal at the time.
In Ahmaud Arbery's Name, Georgia Repeals Citizen's Arrest Law
Travis is white, Ahmaud was black.

Greger, I know what that boy did was legal, except for the part about it being illegal for him to carry an AR15 the charge of which was thrown out by the judge.
And his mother was not charged, why?

It's really hard for me to accept the argument that if everybody had just left him alone.
Seeing a child with a big gun struting through the crowd is scary as hell.
A Kansas City cop just got convicted of murdering a black man. A black man just got his death sentence commuted too. There's good and bad in the world, Yin and Yang.
Oh ok. So we don't really have a race problem. It's just the natural way of things.

I'm sorry this sh*t just hurts my soul.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."