Good Morning. I understand the emotion of this thread, I even understand the misplaced sympathy for the victims, but I believe that your reaction is based on entitlement, misinformation and party loyalty.
First, Rittenhouse should have stayed home. His mother should have talked him out of traveling to Kenosha to protect his grandparents. What good is being a lone gunman in the middle of hundreds of violent people? Even a 17 year old mind can conjure up the potential for disaster. But the blame, the real blame, rests on the protesters (criminal trespassers). Where is it written that because you are part of a “mostly peaceful” protest it is OK to burn police cars and buildings? Where does the law allow people to break windows and loot, which is just another word for rob, private businesses? And, when the police refuse to protect these businesses, or are prohibited from doing so, what do you expect people to do?

Look, I know it is all PC to respect BLM, to make excuses for their bad behavior and criminal activities during their “mostly peaceful” protests, but the vast majority of people want to live a safe and totally peaceful life. When the illusion of that safe and peaceful life is torn away, violence usually follows. It is the reason that the police forces were formed.
I sympathize with the victims families, and the loss of life. I can honestly say that I wish it never happened. But in this case, justice was correctly applied. For all of you people out there who are concerned that this will happen again, I suggest that the police be allowed to handle the situation sooner rather than after the fact.

This is America and we are an entitled group of people. WE feel it is our right to … For some it is to protest, rob and burn private property, for others it is trying to protect private property. When the police allow that to happen, the entitled masses will do what they feel is necessary. Defund the police, encourage vigilantism. There are always more armed citizens than there are protesters.

A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson