Originally Posted by Greger
Morning, Tim!

I believe that your reaction is based on entitlement, misinformation and party loyalty.

My take is that it's mostly party loyalty. That your sentiments go the way they do demonstrates that your own party loyalty requires you to take the other side.

It seems almost universal in these politically charged events. Half the country takes one side and the other half the other side...

And the other half just doesn't really give a feck one way or the other. Three strangers died in Wisconsin because a black man died and white people rioted. And I'm supposed to take sides why? The cop that killed George Floyd is in jail. BLM succeeded and I don't think they owe any thanks to the rioters.

The entire sordid tale from "I can't breathe" to "not guilty" is stupid from its start to its finish.

Media theater meant to divide and control the viewing public.

As I have said on this forum many time before, I am a Republican because they let me keep more money in my pocket. Their politics are confusing, at best. In this case I will default to law and order; the protesters were allowed to riot, encouraged even, so anything bad that happened to them is the local government's fault and their own. The fact that a child was allowed to be there is equally wrong, but not illegal. Sometimes, life just sucks. Had anybody tried to do the right thing early in this process, this wouldn't have happened. I place the majority of the blame on the Dems, they pandered and pampered and gave lip service to the cause celeb and it flew out of control. Anybody with any judgement could have predicted violence, hell, I am surprised that there wasn't more. So now two children are dead one is maimed and another has had at least a life altering experience, all in the name of politics.

This just sucks all the way around!


A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson