Vigilanism on the other hand is like Neighborhood Watch where volunteers keep an eye on the streets at night because police patrols are few and far between. Back when I had teevee I remember Sherriff Gunsmoke used to just deputized Festus and Gomez when the LEO force was shorthanded. It's the most honorable thing a fellow can do...stepping up and protecting property and rights when they are threatened.
Pathways to chaos and violence? Antithesis to government? Seems both are simply phenomena that happen on a personal level and at a societal level.
Yer gonna hafta bone up on boneheadedness if ya want to argue like a wingnut...that was
pathetic! Not a single nod to the 2nd, or acknowledgment that Festus and Gomez warn't red-blooded, patriotic, independent goddam vigilantes! Vigilantes don' need no stinkin' Marshal to deputize 'em...
Smoke 'em if ya got 'em in yer sights!!!