Pozole, using canned Goya White Hominy.

Olyve expressed a strong prefurance for sage in her bean dishes, and will try it, except I associate it with Turkey stuffing.
Sage = creole. Not Mexican. Not all beans! I use other appropriate herbs with Mexican I promise. We have fantastic Mexican grocery stores and restaurants.
I also make a fabulous vegetarian Sage and Onions gravy. I love sage but don't use it often. When I do......wow.
If I'm just making beans, not ethnic, standard in onion, bay leaf, organo, thyme, maybe some cumin.
But let me go back.
I have NEVER heard that about the dangers of kidney beans! Kidney beans are the beans we eat the least (only because we love the others so much). I'm hoping that my "southerness" is why we haven't had any trouble so far. Beans gotta be cooked all the way!
My small slow cooker I think is maybe 1.5/2 quarts Toastmaster. It's old...20 years at least. (I'd show a picture but damn it's stained from all them black beans and kind of beat up! Not eye candy at all). I can cook 2 split chicken breasts in it easily.
It's very simple. It doesn't even have an off and on button. Plug it in and go. My best guess is it's only cooking temp is high (of course that's by slow cooker standards).
Lol, Athens has tried (and mostly succeeded) in NOT being part of greater Hotalanta (home of my birth and growing up). Not because we don't like Atlanta. There's a LOT of interaction between us. Atlanta is mostly a very cool place. Fun and eclectic.
Athens is another one of those places that is fighting to keep our own weird identity and keep it affordable for all the artistic rascals.