You just can't trust racist whites to do the right thing... coffee
So who exactly can you trust? Surely you can trust a priest who's washed in the blood of the lamb?
Police officers? No one is more trustworthy, right? Sworn to protect and serve?
Black people are entirely trustworthy? And non-racist whites can always be trusted?
What about Hispanics?
I was indoctrinated at a very early age into the soft fringes of racism. Deep South farming village, y'know? To my shame, some of that still lives and breathes inside me. So I can't be trusted, and frankly you haven't exhibited the sort of level-headedness I'd look for in someone if hoped they'd always do the right thing, is it because you're gay? Liberal? From the west coast? White non-racist
Funny thing is though, most of us do our best.
Racism is on the way out. Not gone by a long shot but look around and white couples are all over the place, mixed-race kids, integrated neighborhoods and schools. I see children of all races playing together, adults of all races working and playing together. Being gay or non-binary doesn't hold the stigma it once did...there's a same-sex couple down the street, one is a lawyer the other a high muckety muck with the Orlando police department.
And this is still the same little farming village I grew up in, though it's many times larger now and the farms are long gone. Everything around here is run by Republicans(conservatives) and everything is running well and smoothly.
Our mayor is Black, Our police chief is Black and both are well-loved and respected.
Small town, deep south, USA.
Incidences of violent vigilantism are so rare as to be negligible in the greater scheme of things. The Georgia incident wasn't vigilantism. It was an act of sheer racial hatred and violent murder. The justice system recognized that and all were found guilty on all counts.
Those men never for one minute thought they were protecting anybody's rights or property, they never for a minute thought they were "doing the right thing".
Young Ritterhouse thought he was doing the right thing. He thought that the police wanted him there and they gave him every impression he was right. He didn't confront or attack any Black people and bravely stated on the most racist show on the most racist network that he was not a racist and supported the BLM movement! The boy will probably make a pretty good cop one day.