Originally Posted by logtroll
Just make sure we aren’t in the classic ‘talking past each other’ limboland, I’m not addressing the Rittenhouse verdict, I’m suggesting ways of preventing such stupid things from happening in the future.

One way to prevent it is to stop the senseless killing of Black people by law enforcement officers.

But I think that wave has broken with George Floyd's murderer behind bars. Kansas City cop just went to jail too. Public opinion and the courts are turning against the racist killings and I think cops are getting the message. We haven't seen the last "senseless racist killing by a cop" by any means, but there seems to be a lull in the action right now...could it be a slowdown? Maybe. I think so...

As it turns out cops have a lot more to fear these days from heavily armed and belligerent white sovereign citizens(white racists) than from unarmed colored folks mostly minding their own business....but there's a conundrum here.

Cops hang out on the same Facebook(Meta) pages as the heavily armed and belligerent white sovereign citizens(white racists) they have the most to fear from when they are at work...

Rick is right in many ways in his assessment of Republicans and for the most part, I fully agree with him, it's just his drama queen, knee-jerk reaction to everything stupid done by republicans I object to. wink There's so much stupid and I have so few f*cks to give.

What is vigilantism? Being vigilant? And doesn't it promote justice for the most part that we all are vigilant all the time? Was the girl who recorded George Floyd's ordeal a vigilante? Should her video be dismissed because she wasn't "official"?

Vigilance and self-defense lead to chaos and violence and are the antithesis of government is what you claim. I disagree. Stupidity is the reason when good intentions go sideways is your other implication...I agree, but you can't legislate stupidity out of existence.

"In war, victory. In peace vigilance. In death, sacrifice"

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...