I have found an interesting thing when discussing racism. The older somebody is the more likely they are to be racist. Most don't even know it. I remember my grandmother (dead and gone for a long time, now). She referred to everybody not white by their racist name. I would prefer not to give that list but it just didn't matter - that's just the way she talked. I also noted that most of her friends did the same thing. They meant no harm and it was what it was and everybody just did it. I noticed that my parents didn't do that. Nobody really talked about it, it was just what it was.

Now most of that has gone away. My son (in his 50's) told me that I had taught him to just treat everybody the same and he does. A couple of months ago he told me that he caught hell from a black person because he didn't treat them as a black person and asked me what the hell that even meant. My answer is that I have no idea and ignore it because it makes no sense (at least to me).

Anybody understand that one?