Recently, Nicole Wallace, former campaign aid for George W. Bush, and current MSNBC host, had Chris Christie on her show.

A lot of the conversation centered around realty and truth. Christie did not really put much distance between himself and Donald Trump on the Big Lie or the Deadly Insurrection, In pushing Christi on the denial of reality, Wallace said, "I think the real ominous thing is that critical race theory, which isn't real, turned the suburbs 15 points to the Trump insurrection-endorsed Republican. What do Democrats do about that?"

For the record, Kindergartners aren't being taught CRT. It's a theory that's taught in law schools. The right-wing has turned CRT into a kind of boogeyman for anything they find offense about people of color. CRT was cited as the reason that one Black Texas principal was put on leave after posting a photo of him with his white wife. He was told to delete the photo and ultimately was shoved out of his job. A Pennsylvania school banned children's books teaching about Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Now Virginia conservatives are suggesting a book burning for those stories that involve people of color that they find offensive. All cite CRT as the reason.

It's a problem when half of the country deny reality and facts. Hmm

Contrarian, extraordinaire