My nieces brought me a plate from their dinner across town. I bought a turkey but it's languishing in the freezer because the only one I would share it with is somewhere on the Mediterranean aboard a cruise ship celebrating her retirement. Maybe I'll save it for Yuletide feasting, or maybe I'll break it down and do it sous vide in air fryer sized chunks. That has proven to be remarkably efficient in cooking for one or two with some leftovers. I'd do legs, wings, thighs, and breasts separately in quart bags, then make bone broth from the carcass.
That's a lot of meals in the freezer for $.49 a pound. Last month I got an 8-pound pork butt for cheap and did that...still two nice pieces left.
I was roasting the various parts removed by gratuitous over-spatchcocking,

but the low temp 325, on a rack underneath the turkey was not providing the drippings I needed for gravy and stuffing. I put the pieces parts, including the tail, into the air fryer that browned them nicely and quickly. Time being of the essence, I then took the brown parts and pressure cooked them for 10 minutes to get a very rich brown gravy stock, that worked just fine. No need to roux the day! And, no need to ask "whats for dinner?" for quite a while.