Originally Posted by Ken Condon
OK you phuggerz. I dare you to listen to this thing all the way through. These folks are musical heroes of Minn from a long while back. Nobody plays like this anymore]

Aint that the truth! Ditto on all three counts! Way back when,, I casually mentioned that this group was a "One Hit , Wonder/ flash in a pan, I was chided by Senator Hatrack who was a big fan of the group that was inducted into the Minnesota Rock and Roll hall of fame in 2004, a low hurdle. There was considerable agreement by other Ranters at the time, who shall remain nameless, except for Schlack who apparently introduced it to RR. The time machine is a bit ambiguous, but it was stated that never had 2 minutes of music changed the world moar, so I suspect this was the song.
I reviewed the stated criteria at the beginning of this thread that includes, music that stops you in your tracks. Few would disagree that it meets criteria! I have previously hesitated to contribute this unique performance, but being Thanksgiving, it seemed more than appropriate to share the good news and the word.
After all, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was...


There's nothing wrong with thinking
Except that it's lonesome work
sevil regit