Originally Posted by pdx rick
Welp, when you walk around thinking that child abuse is happening in basements of pizza parlors (with no basement) and you bring an AR-47 to said pizza parlor to free the abused children in the basement (where there isn't one)...should you be walking around free instead of being in some loony bin?



No. You shouldn’t.

Should you be locking up journalist on trumped up charges from confessed liars in order to chill the 1st amendment and investigative journalism.
Should you be using authoritarian, red baiting tactics on the public in order to silence your critics and manufacture compliance of the public to encircle Russia with NATO troops and now the very real threat of staging nukes on its border with Poland?
Should liberals be supporting neonazis elements in the Ukraine, as we have supported rightwing crypto fascist regimes since the last ones were defeated in WW2?

As long as we’re asking questions of the one right wing political party in the U.S., we might ask questions of the other.

Is that not fair?