Originally Posted by chunkstyle
The reporter that liberals praised for his honesty of the Iraq war and turned on him for his honesty of the Democratic Party. But journalistic truth was never a virtue for liberals. It’s who makes them look good.
Julian Assange of course. For ‘progressives’ not a peep on him. Liberals are funny like that.
A past signature line of mine was, “You can’t solve a problem until you understand what the problem is.” This implies that solving the problem is an objective, and that understanding the problem involves figuring out what can be done about it. In my experience, the pursuit of solutions leads to many unexpected corners of psychology and mechanics, which change the pursuit.

Which has brought me to my present signature line, and my question for you - what new model are you proposing? Or are you not looking for solutions?

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller