What's your plan, Rick, your strategy to win hearts and minds and, more importantly, elections?
So far you seem to want to insult them into submission. Half the goddam country is conservative! Geographically almost all of it is governed by Republicans with only tiny specks of blue here and there under Democratic control. And Democrats are losing ground.
Maybe if you go to enough right-wing websites and insult them enough or come here and call them enough names they will all just go away.
What do you want to have discussion about? How stupid and racist they are? Why?
We know that. One of the right-wing parties recruited them years ago to win elections and get all of them into one tent. How do you figure to counter that...more insults and hate-filled rants?
If whining and bitching is all ya got, no I'm not ready for a discussion.
If all you can do is deny that the Democratic Party is ever at fault then no you'll get no serious notice or discussion of "denialism".