Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Originally Posted by chunkstyle
Did you? I doubt it. If I were to guess, you read or listened to someone else who had claimed to.

I did listen to skeptics and used common sense. Bill Binney for starters.
Similar to WMD’s, yellow cake uranium, freedom fighters and on and on. The PMC were hysterics then. Muted defiance now.

How bout those recent revelations of the Steele dossier?
Some embarrassing indictments lately..
Lots of retractions at Bezos times, the New Yorker and New York Times.
Barr did Dem Corp a favor slow rolling the investigation. Imagine the recent indictments and revelations happening during the election…

You got stampeded.
Show your work, my friend. I challenge your assertions - i.e., "didn't happen".

Is that how the law works? I have to prove a negative..
Here I thought it was the other way around. But it’s been fun. Corporate media personalities winding up everyone with shoes dropping soon snd big breaks in the case developing.
What ya git? Coupla procedural prosecutions and a whole lotta nothing. Coupla procedural convictions? That bout it?
I’m impressed after all that sound and fury.
Geraldo Rivera opening Al Capones vault during prime time was better. At least the hype leading up to it only lasted a coupla weeks. Dem Corp turned themselves into hysterical victorian housewives, as a wag observed.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 11/28/21 10:01 PM.