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If you look at the history of Russophobia it’s hard not to see Russiagate as a continuation of the same racist, Machiavellian political tactics that the west has been using for awhile now. Not that I think someone who could help destroy two functioning societies and leave hundreds of thousands dead in her wake at state would do something so cynical. But there is history here in Western Europe and the United States that goes back a coupla hundred years.
Here’s a more contemporary examination of the current use of Russophobia in context of American imperialism:
“ And this is what makes Russophobia a phenomenon specific to the West. It proceeds with the same categories Edward Said identified for orientalism: exaggeration of the difference, affirmation of the superiority of the West and recourse to stereotyped analytical grids. The ultimate strategy of the Russophobic discourse is to provide a full-fledged, infinitely adjustable subject, sufficiently sophisticated for academics in charge of theorizing about Russia yet popular with journalists eager to put that within everyone’s reach.
But then, talk of our expansion of our vassal states and military up to Russia’s doorstep and our support of neofascist elements in the Ukraine doesn’t get much traction round here. Nawp, it all bout the orange bad man and the bad political faction. The idea there’s connective tissue between foriegn policy and domestic political politics may be a stretch for some.
And neither do you and your 4 years of promoting Russiagate stories cept high hat and no cattle.
Last I look, Dem Corp has few points on the board. Whole lotta excuses.
I could be wrong. Maybe all the armchair prosecuting and weighing of evidence that flew around here will attract the attention of Durhams office. Perhaps they should seek out your counsel and finally bring Trump, McConnell, and all the others that fell under the suspicion of Russian collusion to justice.
Maybe you really had something all this time.
I really wonder, my friend, where your vitriol is coming from. I certainly was not the source for your discontent. I find it all a bit bizarre, frankly. Are you just pissed off and trying to find targets?
A well reasoned argument is like a diamond: impervious to corruption and crystal clear - and infinitely rarer.
Here, as elsewhere, people are outraged at what feels like a rigged game -- an economy that won't respond, a democracy that won't listen, and a financial sector that holds all the cards. - Robert Reich
Bizarre? What’s more bizarre than chasing ghosts for 4 years. I have little patience with conspiracists and their string charts of logic. Frankly, I find it amusing that Rick may have inadvertently opened a number of RR posters up for criticism by trying to do same for his political rivals. It’s even funnier that you would say I have nothing as a Russiagater.
I leave the being pissed off and finding targets for your discomfort, vitriol to the irony gods.
I thought I did pretty good staying out of that years long thread that’s dried up now.
The quote and link I provided of Russophobia had a list of well over a hundred reporters and authors that kept their cool and stayed objective. I follow about a dozen off that list. My conclusions are, if there was any, it was not how corporate media presented it. Not at any significant level. Not in any way to the degree that the media was trying to create Russophobia panic. Not enough to get a criminal conviction.
You paying attention to the geopolitics of encirclement of Russia? The ramifications of the brinksmanship our ivy league psychos at state are playing with? I don’t watch TV but I’d hope they'd be giving it equal coverage to the, now discredited, steel dossier. There being stated red lines we’re right on and nuclear warheads involved. Lotsa moving parts. Giving our geopolitical track record, I’m sure it’s fine though. Otherwise we’d be talking about it.
I did answer your question. Maybe you aren’t able to undestand? Do I think Russia would have preferred Trump? Yes. Welcome to geopolitics. Many other countries are also involved in the outcomes of our elections.
Do I think their involvement was to the degree that it was hyped? No
Did it rise to a criminal level that was supposed with Trump or his inner campaign circle? No evidence for it yet. Lotsa string diagrams though.
Do you think a journalist should be tortured and jailed for doing journalism? Oh wait… asked and answered. Amazing what people can be walked into.
I think the root problem is that people of differing opinions have little ability to talk to each other with honesty and respect, with the intent to understand each other.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
Surprisingly, I talk to people of differing opinions all the time and I have no problem addressing them with honesty and respect. I don't turn honesty and respect on and off depending on someone else's political party, or skin color, or nationality, or sexual orientation.
That's how we're supposed to act here according to our guidelines and longstanding tradition.
Chunk, you do realize that Donald Trump is known to walk-up right to the line of criminality, sometimes step over the line, and sometimes be able to stop at the edge. THAT is what the Mueller report found and confirmed what most people already knew about Donald Trump through his business dealings.