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I can’t help but wonder how many Dems thought Trumps victory illegitimate. Even so, I’m sure they comported themselves with grace and self reflection. Asking honest questions of how that could have happened and what could they do to improve their standing with voters. At least they wouldn’t indulge in conspiracies, duping their party faithful with fanciful stories of sexual kinks and foreign intrigue.
Did you? I doubt it. If I were to guess, you read or listened to someone else who had claimed to.
I did listen to skeptics and used common sense. Bill Binney for starters. Similar to WMD’s, yellow cake uranium, freedom fighters and on and on. The PMC were hysterics then. Muted defiance now.
How bout those recent revelations of the Steele dossier? Some embarrassing indictments lately.. Lots of retractions at Bezos times, the New Yorker and New York Times. Barr did Dem Corp a favor slow rolling the investigation. Imagine the recent indictments and revelations happening during the election…
You got stampeded.
Show your work, my friend. I challenge your assertions - i.e., "didn't happen".
Is that how the law works? I have to prove a negative.
No, my friend. I'm not going to let you try to get away with that. YOU made a POSITIVE ASSERTION without citation or reference. I am challenging that the assertion has a basis in reality. Your call. Put up or...?
Last edited by NW Ponderer; 11/28/2110:25 PM.
A well reasoned argument is like a diamond: impervious to corruption and crystal clear - and infinitely rarer.
Here, as elsewhere, people are outraged at what feels like a rigged game -- an economy that won't respond, a democracy that won't listen, and a financial sector that holds all the cards. - Robert Reich
The Dems and Repubs are like the Stevie Nicks (Dems) and Lindsey Buckingham (Repubs) relationship and each should just go their own way.
Repubs: "I will give you my world..."
Dems: We don't want your world of white male Christian patriarchy severely lacking in diversity, filled with lies, innuendo and alternative facts/reality.
No, my friend. I'm not going to let you try to get away with that. YOU made a POSITIVE ASSERTION without citation or reference.
Yeah, Chunks, a POSITIVE ASSERTION about a Democrat without a citation. You can say what you want about Republicans but don't be mean mouthing a Democrat without the facts to back it up.
Ok NWP, you must be referring to my positive assertion that Dem Corp stampeded their faithful? Fine. They didn’t prove their wild allegations of the Steele Dossier that HRC camp had financed. They Red baited anyone who published investigative journalism that cut against the Russia gate narrative. They spent more air time pushing speculation. The speed that this supposed ‘act of war against our democracy’ disappeared as soon as Dem Corp got back in the saddle was as fast as when it appeared after they got thrown out of it.
You want a string diagram? No thanks. It’s enough for me that indictments have been dealt to your side of the street while you, Rick and the rest flail at legal theory and innuendo.
Anyone who was paying attention in 2016, knew it was going to be close. Some needed excuses for their party’s failure, others needed to distract from the Wikileaks drop exposing the internal corruption of team Hillary and Dem Corp. Some enjoy drama and some are simply stupid according to a jailed cleric. Your Russiagate ghost stories served very well.
It’s a nothingburger just like the Biden laptop and Ukraine payola.
Many other good reporters have been digging into this ghost story since the beginning. Mate’s most recent does a pretty good run down of where it stands currently. If you had a bit of skepticism at the outset you may have read some of them.
If you were watching what was happening in the election run up, a Trump victory was not out of the realm. If you think Russia hacked our brains with algos, I’d refer you to Ricks video explaining stupidity.
Ok NWP, you must be referring to my positive assertion that Dem Corp stampeded their faithful? Fine.
So, basically, you got nothing, so you're just going to repeat it as often as possible. I appreciate the concession.
I don't like that kind of argumentation. I come here to avoid it.
A well reasoned argument is like a diamond: impervious to corruption and crystal clear - and infinitely rarer.
Here, as elsewhere, people are outraged at what feels like a rigged game -- an economy that won't respond, a democracy that won't listen, and a financial sector that holds all the cards. - Robert Reich
And neither do you and your 4 years of promoting Russiagate stories cept high hat and no cattle.
Last I look, Dem Corp has few points on the board. Whole lotta excuses.
I could be wrong. Maybe all the armchair prosecuting and weighing of evidence that flew around here will attract the attention of Durhams office. Perhaps they should seek out your counsel and finally bring Trump, McConnell, and all the others that fell under the suspicion of Russian collusion to justice.