The quote and link I provided of Russophobia had a list of well over a hundred reporters and authors that kept their cool and stayed objective. I follow about a dozen off that list. My conclusions are, if there was any, it was not how corporate media presented it. Not at any significant level. Not in any way to the degree that the media was trying to create Russophobia panic. Not enough to get a criminal conviction.

You paying attention to the geopolitics of encirclement of Russia? The ramifications of the brinksmanship our ivy league psychos at state are playing with? I don’t watch TV but I’d hope they'd be giving it equal coverage to the, now discredited, steel dossier. There being stated red lines we’re right on and nuclear warheads involved. Lotsa moving parts. Giving our geopolitical track record, I’m sure it’s fine though. Otherwise we’d be talking about it.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 11/29/21 12:29 PM.