My suggestion is to go back and take a look at the validity of Bonhoeffer's Theory and how it might apply to the current political dynamic - and to try out some ideas on how to fix the problem (if there is agreement that one exists).

Bonehoefer seems to be right on with his theory. That's why you haven't seen any attempt to refute it.

The title of the thread, however, is denialism. And it's OP, and everyone else, are pointing fingers entirely to the Republican party's denial that they are the stupid ones. Their denial of climate change, of vaccinations, of science, and of logic.

It is they and they alone who are the stupid ones! Democrats are all smart and good, nary a stupid one among them!

Both parties are very much in denial and both parties are fecking stupid.

All present here are pretty certain that if Republicans just sat down and shut up and let Democrats do as they please then we would soon be living in a Democratic Utopia free from all the ills of Republican policy. Sickness, inequality, hunger, racism, war, global warming etc. would all go away.

And the Republicans would all fall on their knees and worship the not stupid saviors of humanity.

That seems to be the only possible solution coming out of Blueanon.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...