If the average Republican watched that Boneheffer video they would think WE were the stupid ones
I don't think being stupid is having a different political/philosophical/economic/etc view than I. I suspect, since ignorance is a choice, I believe choosing ignorance is stupid. Thus a person who chooses ignorance and then makes any claims based on that ignorance IS stupid.

A belief in the Easter Bunny is not in itself stupid, but the choice to remain ignorant of the existence of the Easter Bunny, regardless of how strongly one believes in it, is stupid.

The iconic, and soon to be classic example of stupid, is the J Klepper bit when he asked a person a question about Pres Obama's birth. That person said , she didn't care what the facts were, she had her beliefs and nothing would ever change her mind. Unbriddled and complete stupidity.

some random thoughts

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!