Here’s a coherent article published in the American Conservative regarding weapons sales to and our involvement with Saudi Arabia. This nugget stands out for me:

“ There is also hypocrisy in the U.S. decrying the rise of a global “democratic recession” while supporting an authoritarian regime in a war that may wipe out a generation of children. U.S. interests coincide with moral imperatives. There are no hard tradeoffs here; the moral path is also the strategically sound path. The U.S. can save millions of lives while extricating itself from a conflict that doesn’t endanger Americans.”

Senate Skeptics Are Right: End Missile Sales To Saudi Arabia

So, yeah, I’m not knee jerk opposed to anything a conservative has to say. I find rightwing extremism a different stripe than conservatism. I also see Jan 6th and Russiagate opposite sides of the same rightwing coin. Both have faithfuls looking to delegitimization of an election. The differences are only form.