Woman caught breastfeeding her hairless cat on a Delta flight

I would have thought a hairless cat from Syracuse would be thrilled to escape to Atlanta this time of year. Cats are allowed on flights, but there is probably some rule about cages but I doubt there is a rule that bans breastfeed a cat.

This could well end up in the Supreme Court! Though I have been mildly disappointed with the court's politicization, I think they may rise to this crisis and be able to figure out how to put this obscene naked cat back in the bag, but I may be worng!

A woman who took a Delta flight recently wasn’t kitten around when she whipped out her breasts and started feeding her hairless cat.

The unidentified female flew from Syracuse, NY, to Atlanta, GA, where she was caught breastfeeding her feline on the plane. A flight attendant told her repeatedly to stop and put her cat back in its cage, however, the woman refused.

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Except that it's lonesome work
sevil regit