Originally Posted by olyve
Originally Posted by TatumAH
Pozole, using canned Goya White Hominy. grin

Olyve expressed a strong prefurance for sage in her bean dishes, and will try it, except I associate it with Turkey stuffing.

Sage = creole. Not Mexican. Not all beans! I use other appropriate herbs with Mexican I promise. We have fantastic Mexican grocery stores and restaurants.
I also make a fabulous vegetarian Sage and Onions gravy. I love sage but don't use it often. When I do......wow.
If I'm just making beans, not ethnic, standard in onion, bay leaf, organo, thyme, maybe some cumin.

When seeking sage advice just Go ask Olyve, I think she'll know grin


There's nothing wrong with thinking
Except that it's lonesome work
sevil regit