The problem with Women's rights is simple. They don't stick to it. Men's rights (few are legislated but they are there) are dealt with by men ALL THE TIME - they never take vacation. I know, it sounds strange, but its true and worth a bit of thought. Women tend to back off for years at a time, they have little consistency and only get worked up when something bad happens. That's what's going on right now and they are all out there screaming about abortion.
The simple fact is that they knew this was coming, and they have known it for years. They just took a little multi-year hiatus. A few spoke out, during that time, but they were actually few, far between, and easily painted as female trouble makers, female extremists, or acting like women sometimes act.
So, now, we are going to be gifted with angry women for, at least, the next few years. Win or lose I can always count on them to eventually back off and then, after the next hiatus, have at it again. This will continue until, finally, they will, for the most part get their way. Remember they have almost got their constitutional amendment. If you doubt what I am saying you should study the life of the constitutional amendment on Civil Rights. Here's a little link to get started with that (I think its still active but they sleep on it, I guess):