Originally Posted by logtroll
... is a piss-poor method of communication. Especially the written word, which suffers from a lack of ability to nuance (tone, inflection, body language), and also doesn't have the advantage of instant feedback to detect and correct misunderstandings.

Even with the leverage of nuance and real-time feedback, spoken communication really sucks for communicating, too. It's weird that we humans seldom realize this.

A sage person once said that if we really understood one another, there would be no argument. (At least I understood him to be a sage person...)
Just for fun I am hearkening back to the original post. I note that the substance of it was entirely ignored, indicating to me that, in spite of an earnest effort to open a fascinating and serious topic of discussion about a humongous unnoticed weakness in human interactions, nothing was communicated.

I’m experiencing mixed emotions about having a premise so clearly demonstrated to be true without having had any discussion whatsoever!

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller