Trying to explain how bad "socialist" is considered is a complete and utter waste of time to those who insist on using the word. Its really weird. Those who favor the 'title' seem to be more interested in defending the word than what they think it defines. The battles over this have been going on, here, for a very long time. Every now and then I will dive in when I have nothing better to do but I know from the offset its a complete and utter waste of time.
In other words there are folks determined to use the word even though it does them no favor. Its almost like the logic behind the Anti-vaccers. The difference, however, is that nobody dies.
I have never seen you once have an adult discussion of this subject. Preferring to use old propaganda and falsehoods.
Socialism is as varied as capitalism but in one way is this country different than most all others. It has actively sought to destroy any examples of or meaning attached to socialism or socialist thought. You can participate in that behavior or simply learn what some of the hulabaloo is about.
I subscribe to the notion that we need some kind of organized institutions to make society a functioning proposition. I also believe that those institutions have to justify their purpose to those that voluntarily subject themselves to those institutions. If they can’t justify their themselves, they should be reformed or gotten rid of.
Seems pretty reasonable. I’ve yet to find anyone to argue the premise. It’s one school of socialist thought, among many.
Similar to how capitalism has many schools of thought. Like when people are starving, our institutions see fit to give the fat guy all the food to deal with the deprivation. That is how I would describe our current form of capitalism. Look no further than how our institutions have reacted to the pandemic