A large part of the American Right has decided that their overriding concern and political interest is to prevent the country from ever becoming a truly functioning multiracial, pluralistic democracy. Democrats are unwiilling to address this danger America is facing. Most liberals, on account of being liberal, can't or won't see other Americans as enemies who must be defeated - even as the rightwing fascists are coming at democracy with an AR-15s and tiki torches - liberals insist the fascists can be reasoned with.

There are too many liberals normalizing what happening on the American right. The fact that the mainstream media is still largely committed to a both-parties-are-the-same, neutrality-over-objectivity framework of covering US politics certainly doesn’t help. Those effects of normalizing the Right's march to Christian white patriarchy's fascism, is seen here at Reader Rant as well. Too many liberals keep insisting that the political conflict is about arguments, about convincing the other side, and are convinced that the American Right are fundamentally good people and that “fascism can’t happen here," that America is fundamentally good, so how could democracy possibly fall here, in the land of the free? Liberals need to a wake up to the American Right's march to fascism. Simply look at the laws that the American Right has passed in the past 15 years and what they are trying to do to Roe and transgender folks and lying about election results to stay in power.

Contrarian, extraordinaire