Right now, 11 Dec 2021, I’m sticking with my 10-15 seat pickup for the Republicans in the house. I’ve seen nothing in the new maps, 165 newly drawn districts to change that. Of course, we have a whopping 270 more districts to be redrawn which include the big states of California, New York and Florida. As for the senate, one needs to remember the Republicans have 20 seats to defend next year vs 14 for the Democrats. The Republicans also have 4 retiring senators vs. 1 so far for the democrats. The states in play gives the Democrats a slight advantage which today I think will end up with a 2-seat gain.

Even so, losing the house will be big as that stops any of Biden’s and the Democrats initiatives or legislation. It also opens the possibility for revenge by the Republicans for impeaching Trump twice. I expect once the GOP takes over the house, along the lines you mentioned that within a few months, the Republicans will hold impeachment hearings on Biden. I expect that. I’m sure this hasn’t been talked about on this site. It’s the old, you impeached one of my presidents, now I’m going to impeach one of yours. Call it political payback. Like Trump’s impeachments, it won’t go anywhere in the senate, it’ll be a total waste of time, energy and money. But I’m sure it will happen.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.